Monday, 31 March 2014


Today in science class we learnt about circuits.
Miss. Komar gave us 5 challenges to complete before we even knew anything about circuits!
All we know was that a circuit needed a load, path, and source.

These were our "Electro Problems":

1. Make 1 lightbulb go on without using a switch.
2. Make 1 lightbulb go on and off using the switch.
3. Make 2 lightbulbs go on without using a switch.
4. Make 2 lightbulbs go on and off without using a switch.
5. Make 2 lights go on without the switch but keep 1 on, even when the other lightbulb is unscrewed.

We were successful with all of them and even learnt the different between a parallel circuit and a series circuit.  Cool Stuff!






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