Monday 30 September 2013


In health class we learnt about different values. We talked about what values are, and different characteristics we value in each other, our friends, and ourselves. Then, we had to reflect on 3 different characteristics we valued in ourselves and 3 we value in our friends and WHY we value them.

Check out our reflections here:

Quinn's Reflection

Wyatt's Reflection

Kara's Reflection (Herself) (Friends)

Kylar's Reflection

Quinn's "Values" Reflection

I value love in myself. Love is caring about someone else. I value love because it is caring and love is cool to have.
I value trust in a friend. Trust is not lying. I value trust because
you don’t want people to lie to you.
I value niceness in myself. Niceness is being nice to people. I value niceness because you don’t want your friends to hit you.

Wyatt's "Values" Reflection

I value trust in myself. Trust is telling the truth. I value this because people will trust me. If I tell the truth then I’ll have friends.


I value fun in myself. Fun is doing things  you like. I value fun because your supposed to have fun in  your life.


I value belief in myself. Belief is believing things can happen I value belief because I can hope for things.



I value trust in others. Trust is telling the truth. I value trust because I can trust my friends if they tell the truth.

I value friendship in others. Friendship is having close friends. I VALUE  Friendship because I like having friends and having fun with them.

 I value my mom. My mom is someone special to me. I value my mom because she’s special to me and she gave birth to me and I love her.

Sunday 29 September 2013

this week

                                                  This week

This week we had exchange students from Vancouver and we had ALOT of fun. At the end of the week we had a supper the Vancouver people had to prove they are Saskatchewanians by eating grain and making bubble gum and wearing a hoodie with their whole body .

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Spirit Week

Well this week during spirit week we had a nerdarific day. 

Saturday 7 September 2013

2012/2013 Year End Field Trip

End of the year Bake-Off!

End of the year Bake-Off!

End of the year Bake-Off!

End of the year Bake-Off!

End of the year Bake-Off!

End of the year Bake-Off!

End of the year Bake-Off!

Class trip to Drumheller!

The boys and the T-Rex

Learning about fossils.

Fossil Casting

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting! 
Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Learning about fossils!


Jaw of a T-Rex

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!

Fossil Casting!
Fossil Casting!


T-Rex Leg

T-Rex Leg

T-Rex Leg

T-Rex Leg

T-Rex Leg 
T-Rex Leg

T-Rex Leg 

Lexi and Brittany
Julie and Brittany
Kara and Brittany

Kylar and Brittany
Aidan and Brittany 
Brittany and Breanne
Lora and Brittany

Mrs. Jeffries and Brittany 

In the mouth of the T-Rex

View from the mouth of the giant T-Rex

View from the mouth of the giant T-Rex

View from the mouth of the giant T-Rex

On the foot of the giant T-rex

On the foot of the giant T-rex
