Tuesday 21 May 2013

At School Doing Art and Reading

We are doing art and reading to the kindergartens when the staff meettings run a little late.
                                                                       Doing Art
This is Kylar looking for the hearts she made to put in here sketchbook.

This is Lexi working on her easter art.

This is Grady working in his sketchbook.

This is Kara working really hard in her sketchbook.
                                          Reading with the grade 1,2 and kindergartens
This is Claire (kindergarten) and Julie (5)

Kara and Colton 

Aidan and Spencer reading Garfield

Kylar and Breanne reading with Olivia

Grady and Cole P reading together

Reid and Rory sharing a story

Trey reading to Cole O

Funny cartoon drawn by Trey

Another cartoon made by our one and only Trey Z!

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