Saturday 7 March 2015

Canadian Agriculture Literacy Week

Thursday March 5th the Grade 4 students enjoyed a wonderful guest speaker to participate in Canadian Agriculture Literacy Week through Agriculture in the Classroom-SK. Our guest speaker was Jacquie Mitchell from Viterra in Wilkie. She read us a book entitled, The Adventures of Michael and Mia: Stewards of the Land which taught us about the importance of the land and how to be stewards of the land. She emphasized the importance of careful farm and gardening practices with minimal waste and negative impacts on the environment. She told us all about Viterra, what they do, and what her job was and also, all about her fruit farm south of North Battleford. We had an awesome time learning about agriculture from Mrs. Mitchell.

Mrs. Mitchell reading "The Adventures of Michael and Mia: Stewards of the Land." Each student got a copy of the letter!

Some of the samples Viterra donated to our classroom!

Each student got a sticker and a book!

Thank-You Mrs. Mitchell!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Valentine's Day Preparation!

Today we started getting ready for Valentine's Day! We started creating our valentines card holders. I gave the students instructions to follow on how to create it, but they used their own imaginations and creativity to make it their own!

Check them out:

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Meet Steve our Christmas Scout Elf.

We had a lovely surprise this morning in grade 4. We all came into the classroom to this:

A surprise present to our class all the way from the NORTH POLE!?!?  What could it be?  It was found by the students under a tree that was somehow put up over the weekend what no one was here!

The box was covered in the garland under the tree and just sitting there. I wonder who set up the tree and left the presents?  Some students guessed that it was me (Miss. Komar), but it wasn't! Other students (who I think are right) thought that it was from Santa! 

Check out the predictions the Grade 4's made about what was in the box: Grade 4 KidBlogs


We finally got to open our classroom present after lunch. We sat around the tree and discussed our predictions. Turns out our present was a Christmas Scout Elf! 

Steve the Scout Elf

He came with a letter and a book that told us all about him. He is a Scout Elf... he comes to our classroom and watches us all day. He makes sure we are respecting each other, being nice to each other, and behaving in class. Then after we all leave, he flies back to the North Pole and reports back to Santa about what he has seen in our class that day.  It was our job to name him in order to bring him to life.... Our Scout Elf's name is Steve. 

Keep checking our blog, and the students individual blog, too see what he is up to!!

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Owl Pellets

Today in science we had a very special lab experiment... we dissected OWL PELLETS!
It was very cool and very fun. There were a few students who were a little grossed because of them, but they eventually came around and had an awesome time learning.

Owls are predators, which means that they are consumers that hunt the animals they hunt the animals they need to eat for energy. An owl will eat its prey (usually small animals such as voles, moles, mice, shrews and bird) whole, but its stomach cannot digest the fur, bones, teeth, feathers and shells. These undigested parts form a "pellet" in the owl's stomach and are later regurgitated by the owl.

We can use these pellets to learn exactly what owls eat, and what type of animals are in the area of the specific owl. This relates to our studies about food webs and food chains.

Tune into the students individual blogs to see their thoughts and reflections about the activity.